By some measurements, videogames have overtaken movies in popularity—or at least in entertainment dollars spent. Little wonder that the games have become source material for films. The latest example, Warcraft, has been in the works for 10 years, which is seldom a good sign. Surprisingly, writer-director Duncan Jones, best known for the low-key psychologically-driven science fiction film Moon, turned the game into a compelling story visualized with better-than-usual special effects and acted with sufficient sympathy by its cast.
Warcraft can be described as the abandoned child of J.R.R. Tolkien, raised by fans of the cult fantasy magazine Heavy Metal and fed on a diet of Star Wars metaphysics. A quasi-medieval world with place names such as Elwynn Forest and Stormwind, populated by humans and elves, is invaded by orcs—creatures with the torsos of professional wrestlers, tusk-like teeth and Vulcan ears. They live in another world, an ecologically blighted place, and cross the barrier through a Great Gate invoked by black magic whose power is drawn from the energy of captive souls.
The screenplay’s brilliant touch is to make the orcs human-like in their emotions: They are good-bad just like people and live by a tribal code of honor, but are misled by Gul’dan (Daniel Wu), an evil sorcerer. The quarreling kingdoms of humans and elves are put in hand-to-hand combat with these oversized, muscular foes, but in addition to swords, they have developed “boom sticks” (pistols) and have their own sorcerer, Medivh (Ben Foster). However Medivh seems a bit tortured, troubled by the power he has seen. In Warcraft it is called the “Fel,” but you can insert the “Dark Side of the Force,” and wonder whether it has seduced him.
The hero knight, Lothar (Travis Fimmel), is steadfast and clear-eyed and the only character with a glimmer of humor. He works in tandem with Khadgar (Ben Schnetzer), a young sorcerer’s apprentice learning the ways of magic. They are assisted by a renegade captive orc, the exotically beautiful Garona Halforcen (Paula Patton). She is not the only orc who suspects that Gul’dan’s dark magic is destroying everything it touches.
The orcs are brought to vivid life by motion capture performances, the 3D effects sometimes put the viewer in or near the action, and at least some of the CGI conjures a sense of wonder. The story has obvious mythic roots and plenty of yarns to spin in any future sequel. If Warcraft II comes along, keep an eye out for the baby orc—the son of a chieftain placed in a basket by his fearful mother and sent adrift on a river. He will grow to be a leader and a prophet.
Travis Fimmel
Paula Patton
Directed by Duncan Jones
Rated PG-13