Clocking in at over four minutes and fiveminutes respectively, Keelor's title track and “Don't Let the Darkness in YourHead” lead off each disc. “Behind” sees Cuddyadding Mellotron while “Darkness” recalls early solo George Harrison. Keelor's loping introspection, coupled with the vintage production,focuses on song-craft and attention to detail. Cuddy's tunes, whileat times equally dark in subject matter, are buoyed by an underlyingpredisposition toward positive outcomes. His melodies and choruses oftensparkle. It's not entirely a yin/yang partnership, but this collection of songsdeserves repeated listening to dig around the shadows and layers of detail.
Former Wilco pedal steel player Bob Eganjoined Blue Rodeo long ago and has integrated himself beyond a utility player.On this album he nails echoes of Californiacountry rock. Also of note, for this album the bandutilized a rotating trio of keyboardists playing Wurlitzer electric piano,organ and Mellotron. “Wasted” is headphone music of the highest orderit couldfit in nicely on late-night FM programming.