Cabbagefurthers the Celtic quintet’s absorption of multiple influences, includingrock, bluegrass, Jamaican, African and Middle Eastern music, but its strongestcuts remain its firmly Gaelic instrumental rave-ups (“Blind Monkey,” “Jimmy’sBucket” and “Crazy Eyes McGullicuddy”). Part of the Titanic house band’s disarming charm is its ability to poke fun atthe fact that Irish-Americanism is a rampant condition. The signature tune,“Raised on Black and Tans,” sums up the sentiment in one hilarious chorus: “Mymother’s brother’s sister’s cousin’s auntie’s Uncle Barney’s father’s brotherhad a cousin from Killarney.” Gaelic Storm would agree we’re all Irish once ayeartwice if you count Irish Fest.
Gaelic Storm performs at Irish Fest Aug. 20-22.