In last year’s hit comedy-horror hybrid Zombieland, Jesse Eisenberg stars as a (very Micheal Cera-esque) neurotic young man whose obsessive impulses have made him one of the few survivors of a zombie apocalypse. He’s paired with reckless zombie killer Woody Harrelson and grifting sisters Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin on a perhaps ill-advised trip to an abandoned California amusement park. The film, which screens for free outdoors tonight at part of Discovery World’s Fish Fry & A Flick film series, mines plenty of laughs and a surprising amount of pathos from the way its heroes make the best of a very depressing situation. The movie begins at dusk, following a 5 p.m. fish fry.
Fish Fry & A Flick: Zombieland
Tonight @ Discovery World, 5 p.m.