Hopelessly romantic in a vaguely offbeat way, Bernard Slade's Same Time, Next Year is a mid-'70s oddity. It's the story of a pair of people who meet once a year to engage in an extramarital affair. In the Sunset Playhouse’s production, which runs through March 21, Cesar Gamino stars as George, a nervous, well-meaning guy who slips into an unplanned night of sex with a stranger named Doris (Sarah Laak Hughes). What starts as a casual meeting between strangers in 1951 becomes an annual event. The play casts light on six different meetings spanning a decade and a half at the same hotel. George and Doris change quite a bit over the years, but the hotel room stays more or less the same-a spacious, mid-20th-century hotel room carefully designed by Sunset's J. Michael Desper.
Same Time, Next Year
Tonight @ The Sunset Playhouse, 7 p.m.