The tumult created by the financial crisis facingthe Archdiocese of Milwaukee has opened up an opportunity for those whoseek to preserve natural, historic woodlands for future generations.
Whilethe archdiocese is in talks with Cardinal Stritch University regardingthe sale of the Cousins Center, its headquarters in St. Francis, ahandful of committed neighbors, government agencies and environmentalgroups are aiming to purchase about 70 acres of adjacent land owned bythe St. Francis de Sales Seminary.
The seminary sits on landthat was deeded by the Potawatomi Indians to the Sisters of St. Francisof Assisi in 1833. The main seminary building was built in 1855 and isnow surrounded by the Cousins Center, the Sisters of St. Francis ofAssisi Marian Center for Nonprofits (the former St. Mary’sAcademy), St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, a grotto andhistoric cemetery, and other supporting facilities.
SeminaryWoods, which encircles these buildings, is home to a variety ofimportant native plants, a rippling Deer Creek, and woods that are avivid reminder of pre-European-settlement Wisconsin.
The landis much loved by Bay View and St. Francis neighbors, dog walkers andhistory buffs, but they’re concerned that the seminary could sell offparcels of it for development.
Peg Kohring, Midwest regionaldirector of the Conservation Fund, who is spearheading the effort tosave Seminary Woods, said that the largely untouched woods provide aglimpse of what 19th-century residents encountered as they developedsoutheastern Wisconsin. "Preserving the woods is preservinghistory," Kohring said. “We have a once-in-10-generations opportunity toput this land in public ownership.”
Appraising Its Value Theland is zoned for single- or multiple-family residences so, in theory,an interested developer could make the seminary an offer it can’trefuse.
John Marek, chief financial officer for thearchdiocese, said that the seminary hasn’t fielded any serious offersfrom developers, but that it is interested in seeing the land protectedand kept in its natural state.
But Kohring warned that it’sonly a matter of time before the seminary feels compelled to sell theland. “If we don’t acquire it, I know there’s going to be change,”Kohring said. The groups hope to purchase the land from the seminaryand then form a land trust to ensure that the parcel is cared for inperpetuity.
“It used to be that you could just leave a woodsalone and you wouldn’t have to do anything,” Kohring said. “But withinvasive species, we can’t do that anymore. It’s absolutely criticalthat we have an active manager to preserve the woods and its legacy andhistorical context.”
Ralph Voltner, St. Francis cityadministrator, said that the city is working with the groups to savethe woods. “It adds to the quality of life in St. Francis,” Voltnersaid. “You can’t put a dollar figure on it, that’s for sure.” Yet thewoods are currently being appraised by the Department of NaturalResources so that it can be sold to the groups, which are seeking outfunds from public and private donors.
So far, the groups havefound partial funding for the land purchase. The Metropolitan MilwaukeeSewerage District has committed $400,000 and the Doris Duke CharitableFoundation has donated $200,000. The groups are applying for grantmoney from the state’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund and the federalCoastal and Estuarine Land
Conservation Program. Donations from individuals are also welcome, Kohring said.
Pending Sale of the Cousins Center
Nomatter what happens to Seminary Woods, change is likely coming soon tothe Cousins Center, which sits on a parcel of 44 acres located to thesouth of the woods.
Cardinal Stritch University has offered tobuy the land from the cash-strapped archdiocese. But the eventualpurchase must be rezoned by St. Francis and be approved by the planningcommission and the city council, most likely in January 2009.
Tom VanHimbergen, who until recently worked for the archdiocese, is now aspecial assistant to the president of Cardinal Stritch and isoverseeing the transaction. Van Himbergen said that theuniversity also wants to buy 120 undeveloped acres south of the site,which is owned by We Energies. He said the university needs to upgradethe main building, then eventually expand its facilities on the WeEnergies property.
“The current plan is an undergraduatecampus,” Van Himbergen said. “It’s going to be residential housing,athletic facilities, maybe a soccer field or football field. That’s whyyou need all 164 acres to make it work, versus just having a buildingfor academics.”
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The Blessing of the Woods
A “Blessing of the Woods” will be held on Sunday, Oct. 5, at 2:30 p.m.,to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Francis with a short historical talkand walking tours led by members of Friends of Seminary Woods. Thisunique event, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi, isopen to the public and will begin east of the St. Ann Center forIntergenerational Care, 2801 E. Morgan Ave.