Well,it is a big deal, since Pro-Life Wisconsin isn’t exactly within the mainstream.Yes, it’s against abortion. But that’s not all. According to its website,“Pro-Life Wisconsin is opposed to all forms of artificial contraception. Wesupport only natural methods of spacing the births of children.”
Soit looks like Walker and Neumann oppose modern contraceptive methodsevencondoms.
What’smore, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Neumann and Walker oppose abortion in all cases,including rape and incest or when a woman’s life is in danger. They also wantto grant fertilized eggs total and permanent legal rights. And of course theyoppose embryonic stem cell research, which Pro-Life Wisconsin calls“repugnant.”
PlannedParenthood Advocates of Wisconsin blasted the endorsement, with Public PolicyDirector Chris Taylor saying “these candidates are just too extreme.” We agree.Implementing this “100% pro-life” agenda would send Wisconsinback to the Dark Ages, when couples had no control over their fertility.
Hero of the Week
Jeremy Hanson
Since 1998, the Milwaukee LGBT Community Centerhas offered educational, social, and health and wellness services to LGBT youthand adults. In 2009, the nonprofit center served an estimated 8,000individuals, housed six other LGBT organizations and stood as a meeting placefor nine additional organizations.
Last Sunday, the LGBT Community Center’s “Hard Hat Party” at the Blatz BoilerHouse raised funds to put toward the construction of a new facility. Althoughmany individuals donated their time and talents, the management at the centeris especially thankful for the efforts of Jeremy Hanson, who went above andbeyond in both the planning and fund-raising arenas to make the event a hugesuccess.
Jerk of the Week
James Haney, CEO, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce
JamesHaney, the retiring CEO of the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC), isjust now beginning to see the error of his ways. In an interview with the Wisconsin State Journal, Haney said heregretted the “extraordinary polarization of the political system… And I worrywhether we’ve contributed to that in any way.”
Let’ssee… The WMC’s hard-core right-wing propaganda makes it virtually impossible tohave a reasonable conversation on issues like clean energy, mass transit,public education, clean elections, the Employee Free Choice Act (WMC brought inKarl Rove of all people to educate its members), and taxes and publicinvestment (taxes are bad, unless they go directly into the pockets of the roadbuilders, right?). And don’t forget WMC’s ad unfairly blasting then stateSupreme Court Justice Louis Butler as “loophole Louie” simply because he hadbeen an effective public defender. Sorry to break it to you, Mr. Haney, butWMC’s way of doing business just hasn’t helped this state’s politicaldiscourse.