Over the next threemonths, the Wisconsin Legislature and governor will try to enact the CleanEnergy Jobs Act aimed at creating new jobs and improving the air we breathethrough a clean energy economic strategy. It is important for policy-makers toget multiple points of view on the table and all of the facts honestlypresented to develop the optimal public policy for Wisconsin’s future. So it is unfortunatethat the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (WPRI), the child of theright-wing Bradley Foundation, put out a terribly flawed report two monthsagoin fact, it was so bad that many thought it would be discarded immediately.Instead, this report, which, of course, came up with the results the businesscommunity desired, has been cited over and over by well-funded specialinterests that oppose clean energy technology.
Among the many obviouserrors made in the study, the report failed to factor in economic and relatedbenefits that would result from the legislation. This includes reduced energycosts for businesses and individuals, avoiding the costs of building new powerplants, fewer transmission lines, various health benefits resulting in lessabsenteeism from work and school, more certainty for businesses by avoiding thefluctuations in fossil fuel prices, and greater revenues for farmers resultingfrom the increased use of biofuels. We just hope that legislators areintellectually honest enough to see through such biased analysis.
Hero of the Week
Joe Stanley of Pathfinders
Being homeless is anextremely dangerous, high-stress state for any individual, but even more so forchildren. Whether by economic misfortune or fleeing to avoid unsafe livingconditions, many area youths have no access to food, shelter or health care,and are at advanced risk of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Joe Stanley, aself-described “former street-kid,” knows all too well the obstacles facingsuch disadvantaged kids. While working as a machinist in 1985, Stanley volunteered at Pathfinders YouthShelter to help make a positive difference. He never left, going on to earn hismaster’s in educational psychology from UW-Milwaukee while continuing todevelop and expand the services offered by Pathfinders. In addition to providinga much-needed safe house for hundreds of children, Pathfinders Youth Sheltersuccessfully counsels thousands of area youth, preventing potential runawaysituations and transitioning homeless kids back into their homes or alternativesafe environments.
Stanley, now a full-timetherapist and program coordinator, also touted the recent grand opening of thenew “Drop-In Center” (4200 N. Holton St.), where at-risk youthwill be able to meet such basic needs as grabbing a shower, getting a sandwichor talking to someone who is willing to listen and help. For his long-term andcontinuing dedication to making Milwaukee’sstreets safer for kids, the ShepherdExpress makes Stanley our Hero of the Week,and urges others who wish to volunteer at the youth shelter to call Stanley at 414-271-1560.
Jerk of the Week
Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker
If you listened to ScottWalker’s annual “State of the County Address” on Tuesday, itsounded interesting. Unfortunately, the facts on the ground do not support hiswords.
Among his convenientdeviations from the truth:
Walker states that his annual budgets aredeveloped without requiring an increase in the property tax levy from theprevious year. He fails to mention that his budgets are built on some draconiancuts to needed county services. The Milwaukee County Board, after listening toconstituents at public hearings, restores some of these cuts and raises the taxlevy. Walkerthen vetoes the budget and the board overrides the veto. The following year,when Walkerproposes his next budget, he doesn’t build it off of his previously proposedtax levy, but instead uses the higher tax levy the board established. He thendisingenuously argues that he didn’t raise the tax levy despite the fact thathis next proposed budget is built on the higher property tax levy. Amazing.
Walker also claims that the Milwaukee CountyTransit System delivers more rides for less and has the lowest per-passengercost and highest ridership per capita. He doesn’t mention that we have one ofthe highest bus fares in the country at $2.25 per fare, on par with veryhigh-cost cities like New York and Chicago.
In a truly hypocriticalmove, he takes credit for a program called Milwaukee County Works, which heclaims will create 1,000 jobs and save taxpayers up to $3 million in interestpayments. First of all, this program is part of the federal stimulus packageprovided to the county that was renamed Milwaukee County Works. The federalstimulus money essentially buys down the interest rate. Keep in mind that notonly did Walkeroppose the stimulus package, but at one point he also said that he wouldn’taccept stimulus money. Now he takes credit for it.
Walker and his pals areclaiming that the stimulus package is not really creating any jobs, but nowthat he renamed the program and has taken credit for it, he claims it willcreate 1,000 jobs.
Sadly, his “State of theCounty Address” includes many more distortionsand partial truths.