There's no college these days that isn't using Facebook and usually Twitter to recruit kids.
The strategy "get them where they are" couldn't be more evident than when you make your presence known on Facebook and Twitter.
But could Pinterest be a new outlet for teams?
While Pinterest is predominantly used by women, this basketball blog points out that Wisconsin is using Pinterest well and that there are definitive benefits to using Pinterest over Facebook.
Facebook's timeline limits your ability to highlight recent accomplishments. If you're on the ball in terms of posting regularly, something like March's NCAA tournament appearance requires a lot of scroll down.
But with Pinterest, you control what you highlight. UWBB's use of dynamic pictures really brings home the NCAA experience.
Way to Wisconsin for being on the forefront of social media usage and for not doing it half-heartedly. There's real strategy being used here and UW needs to be applauded for their thoughtful use of the types of sites the kids they want at their school are using.