Wisconsinhas contributed men (and eventually women) to every American war since 1812. InThe Wisconsin 3,800 (Dog EarPublishing), Milwaukee researcher Tom Muellerexplores the Badger State’s casualties inWorld War II.
The book uncovers some interesting facts. Ourfirst death in that war occurred over a year before Pearl Harbor, a merchantmarine who died off the coast of North Africa and is buried in Tunisia. Onlyone Wisconsin woman died under enemy fire, butothers gave their lives under other circumstances. As with Vietnam, manyservicemen remain missing in action.
Mueller goes in depth with the often-interestingstories of particular casualties, and provides many leads for readers hoping totrack down the wartime records of their ancestors.
Mueller will speak and sign copies of his bookat 7 p.m., Friday, Oct. 23 at the American Legion Post at 9327 S. Shepard Ave. The Wisconsin 3,800 can be orderedfrom the author at: the wisconsin3800@gmail.com.