Even though Craig and I have been dating for six years, itseems like it was just yesterday he was my fairytale prince who grinded on mefor an hour at Decibel, bought me a shot of X-rated, and swept me off my feet.I don’t want to say our first meeting is a Cinderella story, but if the cheapstiletto I broke that night fits… Since then we have been attached at the hip.
If you want to sustain a great relationship for as long aswe have, of course you have to be willing to work hard at it. Sometimes it’sabout compromise. We’ve developed a system that works for the both of us. Likeif he wants to go out with just the guys, I get to pick out anything I want atJared. If he stays out all night without checking in with me at our designatedtimes, he gets to take me to Cancun again.It’s the give and take in our relationship that really holds it together.
These last six years have been a trip, but most couplesbreak up 27 times, right? It’s only natural in a period of time that long. Butafter the last time he screamed, “I never want to see you again you dirtywhore,” and I screamed, “Whatever, just go have sex with my sister again,” Irealized something. I love him too much to ever let him go. I just can’t breakup with his money, uh, I mean Craig again. He’s just too important to me. Craigand the condo he bought for us are my life now, and I couldn’t imagine notliving within walking distance of Brothers. Plus, who could give up a guy whobuys you little presents for no reason just to show you how much money he has,I mean, how much he loves you. That kind of guy is definitely in the “keeper”category.