Welcome to 2012, the year of the permanent election cycle. Not only will voters go to the polls four times this year but they may be asked to vote in recall elections for the governor, lieutenant governor and up to four Republican senators.<br /><br />I\'ve compiled a calendar of all of the important dates related to the 2012 election to help you figure which offices will be up for grabs this year. Please note that this is a decidedly Milwaukee-centric calendar; folks outside of the city will have to contact their municipal clerk or check the statewide voter database for their slate of candidates.<br /><br />One more wrinkle: new voting rules apply this year: <br /><br /> <ul> <li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://bringit.wisconsin.gov/\">Bring a photo ID</a> to the polls. You\'ll also need a photocopy of your photo ID if you plan on voting absentee (via mail) or requesting a ballot. <br /></li> </ul><br /> <ul> <li>Sign the poll book when you vote.</li> </ul><br /> <ul> <li>Determine your district and representatives. The new electoral map kicks in for all levels of government this year. So check the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://vpa.wi.gov/VoterSearchScreen.aspx\">voter database</a> to verify your elected officials and elections. </li> </ul><br /> <ul> <li>The residency requirement has changed from 10 days to 28 days.</li> </ul><br /> <ul> <li>In-person absentee voting schedules have changed as well.</li> </ul><br />Handy information:<br /><br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://bringit.wisconsin.gov/\">Voter ID</a><br /><br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://gab.wi.gov/elections-voting/voters/registration-voting\">Voter registration</a> <br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://vpa.wi.gov/VoterSearchScreen.aspx\"><br />Voter registration database</a><br /><br /><br /> <div align=\"center\"><strong>Important Election Dates: 2012</strong><br /></div><br /><strong>Jan. 24: </strong>The 28-day residency requirement kicks in for the Feb. 21 spring primary election. <br /><br /><strong>Feb. 1: </strong>This is the last day for electors to register to vote by mail for the spring primary (Feb. 21). Send a copy of your photo ID with your request.<br /><br /><strong>Feb. 6: </strong>In-person absentee voting begins for the spring primary. Bring a voter ID with you and sign the poll book.<br /><br /><strong>Feb. 16: </strong>This is the last day for electors to request absentee ballots by mail for the spring primary. Send a copy of your photo ID with your request. (Here are more <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://gab.wi.gov/sites/default/files/publication/137/voting_by_absentee_ballot_pdf_46357.pdf\">detailed instructions</a> from the GAB.) <br /><br /><strong>Feb. 17: </strong>Last day for in-person absentee voting for the spring primary. (Voters may no longer vote or register to vote on the Monday before an election.)<br /><br /><strong>Tuesday, Feb. 21: Primary elections for local, nonpartisan races.</strong><br /><br />(The new districts kick in with this election. Polls are open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Bring a <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://gab.wi.gov/taxonomy/term/135\">voter ID</a> with you and be prepared to sign a poll book.)<br /><br />Races on the ballot: <br /><br /> <blockquote><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://city.milwaukee.gov/ImageLibrary/User/dwalton/BallotPlacement2.pdf\">City of Milwaukee</a> races with three or more candidates:<br /><br /> <blockquote>Milwaukee Mayor: Tom Barrett, Ieshuh Griffin and Edward McDonald <br /><br />Milwaukee City Treasurer: Tim Carpenter, Spencer Coggs, Rick Kissell, Dawn Marie Sass<br /><br />District 8: incumbent Bob Donovan plus challengers Benjamin Juarez, Jennifer Morales and Chez Ordonez<br /><br />District 12: incumbent Jim Witkowiak plus challengers Angel Sanchez and Jose Perez<br /><br /></blockquote><br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://county.milwaukee.gov/ImageLibrary/Groups/cntyElectCommission/2012SpringCandidateFilings.pdf\">Milwaukee County</a> races with three or more candidates:<br /><br /> <blockquote>District 5: Michael Brox, Cavalier Johnson, Roy Evans, Muhammad Mahdi, Priscilla Coggs-Jones, Russell Stamper, Peter Blewett<br /><br />District 9: Steve Taylor, Kenneth Gehl, Donald Schwartz<br /><br />District 15: Dan Cody, Jerry Broitzman, David Cullen, Jill Wesolowski<br /><br />District 18: Tracey Corder, Deanna Alexander, A.T. Buford<br /><br /></blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote>Milwaukee Circuit Court Judge<br /> <br /> <blockquote>Branch 17: incumbent Nelson W. Phillips III plus challengers Christopher Lipscomb and Carolina Maria Stark<br /></blockquote> </blockquote> <p><br /><strong>March 1: </strong>This is the last day for voters to register to vote by mail in the April 3 spring election.<br /><strong><br />March 6: </strong>Residency requirements for the April 3 spring election kick in.<br /><br /><strong>March 29: </strong>This is the last day for voters to request absentee ballots by mail for the spring election.<br /><br /><strong>March 19: </strong>In-person absentee voting begins for the spring election.<br /><br /><strong>March 30: </strong>Last day for in-person absentee voting for the general election. (Voters may no longer vote or register to vote on the Monday before an election.)<br /><br /><strong>Tuesday, April 3: Spring Election and Presidential Primary </strong><br /></p> <p>(The new districts kick in with this election. Polls are open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Bring a <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://gab.wi.gov/taxonomy/term/135\">voter ID</a> with you and be prepared to sign a poll book.)</p> <p> </p> <blockquote> <p>Races on the ballot: </p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://gab.wi.gov/node/2138\">Presidential Primary:</a><br /> <blockquote>Republican candidates: Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum<br />Democratic candidate: Barack Obama <br /></blockquote><br /><br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://city.milwaukee.gov/ImageLibrary/User/dwalton/BallotPlacement2.pdf\">City of Milwaukee:</a> <br /><br /> <blockquote>Citywide offices: Mayor, comptroller, treasurer<br /><br />All members of the Milwaukee Common Council (except District 2, Joe Davis; District 3, Nik Kovac; District 5, Jim Bohl)<br /></blockquote><br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://county.milwaukee.gov/ImageLibrary/Groups/cntyElectCommission/2012SpringCandidateFilings.pdf\">Milwaukee County:</a><br /><br /> <blockquote>County Executive Chris Abele is unopposed<br /><br />County Comptroller<br /><br />All members of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors (except for District 2, Nikiya Harris; District 3, Gerry Broderick; District 8, Pat Jursik; District 11, Mark Borkowski; District 14, Jason Haas; District 16, John Weishan; District 17, Joe Sanfelippo)<br /></blockquote> <p>Milwaukee County Circuit Court:</p> <blockquote>Branches 17, 23<br /></blockquote> </blockquote> <p><strong><br />July 17: </strong>Residency requirement for the Aug. 14 primary kicks in.<br /><br /><strong>July 25: </strong>This is the last day for voters to register to vote by mail for the fall primary (Aug. 14).<br /><br /><strong>July 30: </strong>In-person absentee voting for the fall primary begins. (Bring a voter ID.)<br /><br /><strong>Aug. 9: </strong>This is the last day for voters to request absentee ballots by mail for the fall primary election (Aug. 14).<br /><br /><strong>Aug. 10: </strong>Last day for in-person absentee voting for the general election. (Voters may no longer vote or register to vote on the Monday before an election.)<br /><br /><strong>Tuesday, Aug. 14: Fall Partisan Primary </strong><br /><br /></p> <blockquote>Slate of candidates is unknown; the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate is likely to be contested; new legislative map will be used. Bring a voter ID and be prepared to sign the poll book.<br /></blockquote> <p><br /><strong>Oct. 9: </strong>Residency requirement for the Nov. 6 general election kicks in.<br /><br /><strong>Oct. 17: </strong>This is the last day for voters to register to vote by mail for the general election (Nov. 6).<br /><br /><strong>Oct. 22: </strong>In-person absentee voting for the fall primary begins. (Bring a voter ID.)<br /><br /><strong>Nov. 1: </strong>This is the last day for voters to request absentee ballots by mail for the general election (Nov. 6).<br /><br /><strong>Nov. 2: </strong>Last day for in-person absentee voting for the general election. (Voters may no longer vote or register to vote on the Monday before an election.)<br /><br /><strong>Tuesday, Nov. 6: General Election</strong><br /><br />Slate of candidates is unknown, but big races are:<br /><br /></p> <blockquote>President<br />U.S. Senate<br />Congress <br />Milwaukee County District Attorney<br />State Senate<br />State Assembly<br /></blockquote> <p><br /> </p>