The inaugural EcoFest will take place in Racine on Saturday, March 19. The event hopes to share information and encourage participation in environmentally friendly activities.
“An event like this is an opportunity for us to highlight eco-friendly ideas in Racine,” said Mera Yi, a member of the EcoFest planning committee.
The festival was organized by Greening Greater Racine, a Racine nonprofit with a mission to inspire, educate, and motivate people to take action to make a healthier and sustainable Greater Racine area now and in the future.
EcoFest is sponsored by Gateway Technical College, where the event will be held.
The “Special EcoFest Eve” presentation will take place Friday, March 18 at 7 pm at the Golden Rondelle. Jim Schwab, urban planning expert and author will discuss how communities can develop and enjoy green spaces.
On Saturday there will be a presentation every 30 minutes about different eco-friendly topics at Gateway Technical College including presentations from Judy Grasser, David Rhoads and more.
There will also be display booths from a number of area businesses and government entities including Caledonia Conservancy, Kenosha Bike Ambassadors, the Racine Zoo, UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences and more.
Find more information here.