The two-persondrama features Alchemist co-founder Aaron Kopec as a sinister figureinterrogating a children’s author (played by Jenna Wetzel). Conceived as a filmin 1991, Closet Land has been adapted for the stageby Bharadwaj. The Alchemist and Wetzel’s Paradigm Shift Productions arebringing the play to the stage in Wisconsinfor the first time.
Though he’slargely a behind-the-stage figure at the Alchemist, Kopec has been featured insome previous shows. He’s demonstrated sizable talent in ensemble roles in thepast. This time he’s being asked to support half of an entire production, andit’s a challenge he’s taking seriously.
Wetzel hasappeared in a variety of different shows on small stages over the past fewyears, and has played some powerful characters. She was in the Tony Kushnerdrama Angels in America with the lateSpiral Theatre. Here she’s tackling a role that requires a great deal ofvulnerability.
As the drama playsout between interrogator and captive, questions emerge about state-sponsoredviolence and personal abuse. This is an analysis of torture on a fundamentallevel, and it can be profoundly unsettling. Featuring just two actors and theaudience in the tight space of the Alchemist Theatre, the drama will be strongon emotion. First-time director Beth Lewinski will be working to balance theheaviness of the drama with some dark comedy around the edges of the dialogue.Lewinski, a talented actress who has shown impressive stage instincts, shouldbreathe some interesting insights into the production.
The AlchemistTheatre is better known for comedy, but this production will take audiences ina different, more sinister direction.
AlchemistTheatre’s production of Closet Landruns June 17 through July 3.