The local Milwaukee end of the nationally-metastasized Bye Bye Liver sketch comedy thing hosts a holiday show on the East Side next month. The full name of the show is Bye Bye Liver: The Milwaukee Drinking Play Presents: Alcoholiday Drinktacular 2014.
The show is a celebration of drinking culture which runs regularly with different casts all over the country. The special holiday show features holiday-centric material including sketches with such clever titles as A Christmas Barrel and Frosty The Bro-man.
Actually, if anyone can do good things with bad material, it’s Milwaukee’s end of Bye Bye Liver. The show is directed by Nate Press, who is a fiercely talented comic performer. The cast includes some great talent as well including Laura Holterman, Michelle White, Brian Bayer, Nick Vanden Heuvel and Matt Werner.
The Alcoholiday Drinktacular 2014 runs for one night only on Dec. 18 at G-Daddy’s BBC on 2022 E. North Avenue. Admission is only $10. You can get more information here.