In Tandem Theatre brings to the stage 1959 Pink Thunderbird, a unique piece comprised of James McLure’s two one-act companion pieces, Laundry and Bourbon and Lone Star. Set in a small Texas town during the late ’70s, we are first introduced to three young women chatting over laundry and liquor in Laundry and Bourbon, and then we change scenes to a local bar in Lone Star, where we listen in on a conversation between two brothers. The characters in both pieces are inextricably connected and Jane Flieller, In Tandem’s managing director, says “It’s been fun matching the pieces in tone but keeping them true to our own artistic visions. Both casts are made up of terrific young talent. They bring a fresh energy to the pieces and they really identify with the material.”
1959 Pink Thunderbird runs April 25-May 18, at Tenth Street Theatre, 628 N. 10th Street. For tickets, call 414-271-1371 or visit
Theatre Happening:
Side Street Productions presents David’s RedHaired Death, a story of two women newly in love who are suddenly faced with the death of a loved one. They both struggle with their own emotions and at the same time are challenged by how to move forward together in the midst of such a traumatic event. The show runs April 18-26, at the Arcade Theatre in the Underground Collaborative, 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. For tickets, visit; cash only at the door.