Tuesday we get a chance to tell the nation how this blue state, with an open primary, feels about Barack and Hillary. There have been no polls to speak of and so we go with our gut.
In watching the Democratic Party fundraiser last night, my impression was of an exhausted and troubled Hillary Clinton. Her enthusiastic introduction from Barbara Lawton seemed out of sync with the candidate's flat speech. (Both Lawton and Doyle ignored one of the basic rules of introduction of famous people: Make it short--the audience wants to hear the candidates. Will you ever forget Jim Doyle's lengthy introduction of The Boss at the Kerry-Edwards rally?)
Barack was energized, articulate and engaging. He has campaigned all over Wisconsin and should win unless I'm missing something, while Hillary has only visited Kenosha and Milwaukee and will skip the rest of her schedule in Wisconsin.
She has ceded Wisconsin unless Republicans cross-over to vote for her. Presumably, her time will be spent trying, along with Bill, to persuade super delegates to ignore speeches, ignore polls, ignore the primary and caucus voters, and name her as the nominee. A prescription for the death of the Party.
I didn't know until last night that 18 delegates to the convention will be unpledged--you know, Super-Dooper delegates. Seventy-four will be pledged. Guess which ones will be wooed by Walter Mondale and Bill Clinton and which ones will go to "official" functions.
If you can name the 18 Supers I'll buy lunch at the Main Depot.