Probably 20 million raised and spent for a third place finish in the New York suburb of Florida, and Rudy is ready to walk the plank. How sad. Think about the advisers to Rudy, including Bob Kasten and Norman Podhoretz who demanded that we bomb Iran--now! What will they do? Perhaps join another campaign?
And I can imagine the conversation in Mitt Romney's office. "How do we keep him from endorsing us?"
Hey, Barack: Yes, you get points for living up to the agreement to avoid Florida but team Clinton plays by different rules and she got all the camera time last night for "winning" Florida, the state that never stops giving us fits.
Good for you in taking on the race issue in Kansas.
If AG Mukasey had your courage he would ban waterboarding but in a letter to Leahy, he pulled a Pontius Pilot. "Waterboarding? Why me?"
Supreme Court: Some lawyers are stirring. They are upset that private money will be available to buy the April election. (If you spot the Governor, call 1-800-Isaw him.)