Some 20,000 people met at the Kohl Center to experience the Obama magic. Our Superdelegate Senators were not there; and no members of the House delegation. Why not? Even without endorsing him, they could have been there to welcome Barack. (Too clever by half for those who want to be wooed by the Clintons to rescue her flagging campaign?)
The NY Times reports Hillary has already ceded Wisconsin and will focus on Texas and Ohio. (I can only imagine how those who endorsed Hillary long before Iowa feel reading that news this morning.) The advisors surrounding Hillary are telling her what consultants always preach: "you gotta go negative--it is the only way to stop him." Let's hope she resists the impulse.
Maryland, Virginia, Nebraska, Washigtoon State and D.C. to name a few and the list goes on. Eight in a row by big margins.
Meanwhile, McCain looks like he is on a different planet.
Reform: It appears that campaign reform may happen soon. Hard to believe, but the system is so corrupt that even the corrupted are getting on board.