In the aftermath of Dr. GeorgeTiller’s murder in Kansas, allegedly by abortion opponent Scott Roeder,many commentators wondered if the heated rhetoric that permeates theextreme fringe of the pro-life movement contributed to the doctor’sshooting.
What’sso disappointingand worrisomeis that reckless accusations are beingmade about a doctor who has offered to provide second-trimesterabortions in Madison.
In the weeks before Tiller’s murder,Wisconsin Right to Life (WRTL), which is seen as a mainstream pro-lifeorganization, took out three ads in the Wisconsin State Journal to denounce proposed abortion services to be provided at the Madison Surgery Center.
Theclinic is owned by the University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation, theUniversity of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, and Meriter HealthServices, and is planning to provide abortions for women who are up to22 weeks pregnant, in order to replace the services of a Madison-areadoctor who is retiring and will no longer perform them. Abortionsperformed during this portion of a pregnancy generally are notconsidered to be “late-term abortions,” the kind that Tiller performedin Kansas.
The Wisconsin Right to Life ads included thefollowing statements:
- “Patients… It’s time to say ‘no’ to medicaltreatment at the Madison Surgery Center, where late-term abortions areplanned,” read WRTL’s May 14 ad.
- “Madison Surgery Center Staff… Youremployer has approved a late-term dismemberment abortion plan,” readthe May 21 ad.
- The third ad, which ran on May 28, just three daysbefore Tiller’s murder on May 31, claimed to use information from UWe-mails to show that “Abortionist Caryn Dutton discloses that PlannedParenthood Federation of America’s confidence in her ability to performlate-term abortions is ‘very LOW.’”
In addition to these inflammatory and false remarks, a host of allegations about the Madison Surgery Center had also been published in a Journal Sentinelopinionpiece written by WRTL’s Barbara Lyons in February. Lyons named Duttonand other doctors and administrators who were involved in the decisionto perform second-trimester abortions at the clinic.
“Why Should They Care If They Were Named?”
Inan interview on Monday, Lyons said that the ads, op-ed and pressreleases were merely “asking people to seek their health care at adifferent place.”
She said that naming Dutton wasn’t a bigdeal, even in the wake of Tiller’s murder, which WRTL denounced. “Ifthis is their [Dutton’s] practice, why should they care whether theywere named or not?” Lyons said.
But Lisa Brunette, spokeswoman for UWHealth Marketing and Public Affairs, said that while Dutton had beenidentified in some news stories, context is everything. “Giventhe killing in Kansas, allegedly by someone with ties to the pro-lifemovement, I think the problem is with using someone’s name in thecontext of these inflammatory statements,” Brunette said. “It seemsirresponsible at the very least, certainly…. I have been surprisedthroughout by the recklessness of the charges that have been thrownabout.”
Teri Huyck, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood ofWisconsin, criticized WRTL’s campaign against the clinic and individualdoctors. “This is harassment, intimidation and a smearcampaign,” Huyck said. “I think it’s dangerous. We saw last weekendwhat happened in Kansas. Dr. Tiller was harassed for years. Harassmentand intimidation is bullying and it’s a prelude to violence. I’m notsaying that Wisconsin Right to Life is going out there and tellingpeople to be violent. But I think it’s still bullying behavior.”
Brunettesaid that the ads, and Tiller’s murder, have made administrators moreaware of security needs at the clinic, which has not begun offeringsecond-trimester abortions at this time. “I know that when the [Tiller]killing happened there had been plans for really enhanced security atthat location, as you might imagine,” Brunette said. “Now thattheoretical risk has become real, so the security planning took on newurgency and focus.”
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