Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI) stemmed from Dennis Johnson and Mark Foreman’s project with the Milwaukee Veterans for Peace. These men reached out to homeless vets to identify their needs, gain their trust and help connect them with much deserved Veterans Affairs benefits and other beneficial programs. From this program, the nonprofit MHVI was born in 2008 with the mission to help homeless and at-risk veterans reach and maintain their highest levels of independence.
MHVI has founded a new collaborative initiative called Wisconsin Veterans Network, or VetsNet for short, and will host an open house at its new office (6317 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis) on Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m.-noon. This free and open to the public event will allow the community to tour MHVI’s new facility, learn about VetsNet and meet the staff, board members, partners and volunteers. A brief program will be held at 10 a.m., with coffee, tea, juice and pastries available.
VetsNet is a one-stop service that “utilizes a holistic approach by a collaborative network of service providers,” offering “open access to all veterans and military families in crisis who seek assistance, many of whom do not qualify for federal veteran benefits or programs,” according to its website. Evidence-based services include emergency relief, help with homelessness, benefits counseling, financial counseling, employment counseling, training and placement, substance abuse and mental health counseling and legal assistance.
The new program’s partners and collaborators include Milwaukee County Veterans Service Office, Waukesha County Veterans Services, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Community Advocates, Catholic Charities, Outreach Community Health Centers, Women Veterans Initiative, La Causa and other service providers. Some partners are onsite and others are available by referral.
VetsNet is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday and can be reached at 414-257-1111. Drop-in and scheduled appointments are available, and immediate referrals can be made to an array of participating providers. VetsNets serves Milwaukee, Waukesha and Racine County veterans and surrounding counties upon request or referral. For more information and to learn how you can help, visit wisvetsnet.org.