Hero of the Week
La’Ketta Caldwell
Many individuals andgroups took part in last month’s annual “Day of Service,” inspired by the lateMartin Luther King Jr. Others, such as La’Ketta Caldwell of the Boys &Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, make improving the community their life’swork. Caldwellheads the “Ladies Making a Difference Keystone Club” at St. Joan Antida HighSchool. The student group, which works year-round to promote literacy andreading among area youth, visits local churches and other organizations tostress the importance of reading.
Working with the beliefthat those who cannot read cannot reasonably expect to become free thinkers oractive members of society, Caldwell’sgroup helps children obtain library cards and familiarizes them with thelibrary system. For her efforts with the young women of St. Joan Antida HighSchool to cultivate a more literate Milwaukee,the ShepherdExpress honors Caldwellas our Hero of the Week.
Jerk of the Week
State Rep. Robin Vos
Notmany people would complain about an $823 million investment in Wisconsin. But stateRep. Robin Vos (R-Caledonia) isn’t happy with the federal government’s decisionto fund high-speed rail from Chicago to Milwaukee to Madison,and eventually to the Twin Cities. This huge injection of stimulus funds willno doubt bolster the state’s economy, create jobs and lessen our dependence onBig Oil by improving the infrastructure of much-needed public transit. And,besides, isn’t it time that Wisconsingot some of our tax dollars back from the federal government? We competed forthis project and we won.
Butthat’s not good enough for Vos. Even though $8 billion for high-speed rail wasincluded in the larger federal stimulus package passed by Congress last year,Vos is fuming about the cost. “It’s another example where when you don’t careabout the debt burden we’re leaving for our children, it’s awfully easy tospend their money,” Vos told a reporter. Apparently Vos would prefer for thestimulus money to go to another state, while his constituents remain stuck intraffic and the state shells out money to the very politically connected roadbuilders year after year after year.
Project of the Week
Dryhootch Finds New Homeon Brady Streetwith NAMI and Steinhafels’ Help
Dryhootchis a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) support group for veterans, byveterans, that the Shepherd haswritten about and supported in the past. The group has found a new home at 1030 E. Brady St.with the support of the NAMI-Greater Milwaukee. At the new location, Dryhootchwill offer its family support groups and peer meetings for the Milwaukee PoliceDepartment POST team. During the next few weeks, Dryhootch will be convertingspace into a coffeehouse for the veterans’ community. The vets will get a bigboost from Steinhafels, which is donating $5,000 worth of furniture to helpDryhootch set up in its new home. For more information, go towww.dryhootch.org.