Poor Derrick Turnbow. His line in tonight's game:43 pitches, 6 runs, 4 walks, 4 hits, and only two outs.
He entered the game only after the score was 13-5 and he forced us to use another pitcher from the bullpen because he gave up 6 runs and couldn't get out of the inning.
I'm sure he's a great guy, and I will always cherish my Derrick Turnbow bobblehead with "real" hair. And who can forget the FSN commercials in 06 in which Derrick was combing the hair on his bobble, like a kid with a Barbie Doll.
I honestly hate to see someone self destruct the way he had. But he's at rock bottom and we need to stop wasting roster space on this guy. He's a headcase and has a lot to work out.
Please, for the love of all that is holy, please let today be the last day that we have to see Derrick Turnbow.