Set in 1946, State of the Union is the unlikely tale of a good-natured businessman who, despite his lack of political background, is picked to run as the Republican candidate for president of the United States of America. His estranged but loving wife guides him through the process, helping him stay true to his moral principles. The play’s optimistic view of human nature could have come straight out of a Frank Capra filmand, in fact, the play was even turned into a Frank Capra film in 1948but it remains to be seen whether modern audiences, who face the very real threat of a vice president with no foreign policy experience, will be able to cheer for State of the Union’s likable but almost certainly under qualified protagonist. The Milwaukee Repertory Theater continues its production of the play tonight with a 7:30 p.m. performance.
State of the Union
Tonight @ the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre - 7:30 p.m.