During his five-year hiatus from Phish, guitarist Trey Anastasio was typically prolific, creating a couple new bands, 70 Volt Parade and SerialPod, collaborating with the Benevento/Russo Duo, composing a classical music piece for a 60-piece orchestra, and jamming with pretty much whatever legend would have him on stage. Phish’s lauded reunion understandably ate up most of the guitarist’s 2009, but Anastasio remains as musically polygamous as ever. Unable to commit to just one band, he’s reunited his on-again/off-again backing group, Classic TAB (an abbreviation for Trey Anatasio Band), which has been expanded its brass section this tour for a fuller, funkier sound.
Trey Anastasio
Tonight @ The Pabst Theater, 8 p.m.