It’s here—Tuesday, Nov. 8, is Election Day.
Polls will be open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Go to myvote.wi.gov to locate your polling place and check your voter registration.
To cast a ballot, you will need an acceptable photo ID. To learn more about IDs, go to bringitwisconsin.com. If you want additional help, contact the nonprofit, nonpartisan Vote Riders at 414-882-8622 or info@voteriders.org.
If you need a ride to the polls, our Common Cause in Wisconsin has compiled a wonderful list of groups and individuals who are willing to drive you to the polls. Click here for more information.
You can find more information about Election Day here.
Still undecided? We are urging Shepherd readers to vote in this election, even if you feel like your vote will not matter or that the candidates are more or less the same. Face it: Every vote counts, especially in close elections, and there are very big policy differences between the candidates on the issues.
We’ve endorsed Democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton, as well as Democrat Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate. For Congress, Ryan Solen, Gwen Moore and Khary Penebaker got our support. For state Assembly, Jack Redmond in the southern suburbs received our strong endorsement, as well as Dan Riemer, Chris Rockwood, Andy Mitchell and Cory Mason.
Now, get out and vote!