The domestic drama of Tennessee Williams’ classic A Streetcar Named Desire has an explosive intensity in CarteBlanche’s intimate studio environment. This is a Streetcar that billows with cigarette smoke and bursts with suddenanger.
Katrina Greguska renders multiple layers of complexity to the role offading Southern belle Blanche. As Blanche’s sister Stella, Samantha Paige addsconsiderable depth to Greguska’s performance. Paige’s brilliantly groundedperformance balances Blanche’s over-the-top intensity. Clayton Hamburg givesaggressive confidence to Stella’s husband, Stanley, who comes across as asemi-civilized animal. Hamburg’s articulationof Stanley’sanger leaps off the stage in such an intimate space. The small studio also aidsin amplifying the intense subtlety of the drama. As Mitch, a clever MichaelTraynor displays awkward nervousness in his attempted flirtations with Blanche.
Carte Blanche’s production of A Streetcar Named Desire runs through May 8.