The final installment of the ridiculously expensive film adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series will be in multiplexes around the globe shortly. The visuals are impressive. Some of the acting is quite good. There is a very personal edge of the series’ journeys, which brings everyday kids from our world into a land of sword and sorcery based quite heavily around Christian mythology. The personal edge seems lost in the big budget films. More visceral portrayals of the action can be found onstage.
This month, touring company Theaterworks USA brings a musical stage adaptation to the Schauer Center in Hartford Sunday, October 24th a 3pm. The one-hour musical theatre adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ classic novel is a family-friendly matinee appropriate for children in grades 1 -7. Theaterworks’ long-running road production comes to Hartford between productions of Peter Pan And Wendy with First Stage in downtown Milwaukee. (Kind of an interesting juxtaposition of children’s theatre that day.)
Tickets for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are available by phone at 262-670-0560 or by visiting the Schauer Center online.