Milwaukee Comedy / Via Facebook
The day after the 25th there will be lots of people going to various malls to return various things. It’s the Friday after the single biggest gift-giving holiday of the year, so one could anticipate a lot of traffic out to the big malls in far corners of the county. So why not stay here and have a little comedy?
Yes, Variety Hour Happy Hour is in a mall, but its in the basement of a mall right on Wisconsin Avenue right in the heart of downtown. The sketch comedy show that also features music, a special guest interview and a few other elements celebrates Dec. 26 in the kind of style one might expect from Nick Firer, Jake Woelful, Brian Bayer, Rob Maass, and Tess Rutkowski.
The show starts at 8:00 p.m. in the Arcade Theatre at the Underground Collaborative on 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. beneath the Grand Avenue Mall. For ticket reservations, visit Milwaukee Comedy online.