The resonant voice of James Earl Jones recites the children's story “Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears,” the titular animated short on the new DVD from the Scholastic Storybook Treasures series. Verna Aardema's African-set tale concerns an owl that refused to wake up the sun one morning with her hooting. The night grew long. She withdraws from her responsibility through depression, despondent over the death of her child, killed accidentally when a startled monkey caused a branch to crash on her nest. Illustrated in geometric patterns and colors suggesting African art, “Why Mosquitoes” is a remarkably mature story of the blame game we all play and the chain of consequences from a single act. Honoring Black History Month, the collection of five African-themed or set short animated films is intended for ages four-eight.
Jungle Book
Scholastics African Childrens Stories