Racinebassist William Kopecky may be spending time in France these days, but he left behind Nest of Storms, the second release from Yeti Rain, a dark and ambient duo that Kopecky formed with wind-synthesizer wiz Roger Ebner.
At times almost orchestral in nature, Nest of Storms creaks, squeaks, shudders and quivers as it creates a haunting, often violent soundtrack to a nonexistent film. In fact, the title track's staccato elements conjure images of a slasher-flick version of The Pink Panther, while Ebner contributes creepy whispers on "Heart Wakes" and frequently caresses his instrument into a mourning saxophone. Kopecky, meanwhile, provides the bleak sonic backbone.
The seven tracks, though seemingly not fully formed, represent the pinnacle of contemporary ambient music inasmuch as they allow imaginative listeners to actually see the sounds. Just don't listen to Nest of Storms in a bad mood; Yeti Rain is not responsible for self-inflicted damage.