We strongly endorse political organizer Darrol Gibson in the Aug. 9 Democratic primary for Assembly District 11, which encompasses portions of the North Side of Milwaukee and Glendale. This is an open seat, since its current representative, Mandela Barnes, is running for state Senate. There are no Republicans in this race.
Darrol Gibson is young but he has worked behind the scenes in campaigns and understands how to build coalitions to get things done. Gibson grew up in the district—for a time his family was homeless—but through his tenacity, intelligence and education this Marquette University graduate has become a success story. We feel that he can relate to his constituents’ experiences and will fight for their best interests in the state Legislature. Gibson wants to raise the minimum wage, end the school-to-prison pipeline and supports public schools. He speaks passionately about these topics and we feel he will be persuasive in the Assembly.
Gibson is running against former state Rep. Jason Fields, who is trying to re-enter politics after losing his 2012 re-election bid to Barnes. Gibson is by far the wiser choice in this race. Gibson has strong progressive values and we do not think he will waver on those values after his election. Unlike Fields, who is a big supporter of education privatization, we don’t think that Gibson will help Republicans pass some awful pieces of legislation.
We are asking residents of Assembly District 11 to vote on Tuesday, Aug. 9, for the candidate with constituents’ best interests at heart. That candidate is Darrol Gibson.