Gov. Scott Walker and his new capitol police chief may not like them, but the Solidarity Singers deserve your support. They’ve been gathering each weekday in the Capitol (you know, the People’s House, the one that Walker would like to sell off to a corporation) and singing protest songs ever since Walker tried to bust public employee unions. This summer, they decided to ignore a judge’s ruling that requires groups of 20 or more to get a permit. Why? Because they don’t believe that Americans must get a permit from the very government they are trying to protest.
Not surprisingly, Walker et al. have ordered a clampdown.
Which is why AFSCME DC 48’s Sept. 28 Solidarity Sing-Along Fundraiser deserves your support.
The suggested minimum contribution is $10 per person, which includes complimentary food and drink. Proceeds will go to the defense fund of the singers and protesters.
See you there!