After a memorably bizarre breakthrough performance as George McFly in 1985’s Back to the Future, Hollywood outsider Crispin Glover continued to act in major filmsincluding this year’s Alice in Wonderland and Hot Tub Time Machinebut he does so largely to fund his own independent films, which nobody will mistake for his commercial work. They’re shockingly confrontational art films examining cultural taboos and alienation, starring actors with Down’s syndrome or cerebral palsy. Tonight, Glover screens his latest film, It is Fine, EVERYTHING IS FINE, “a murder detective thriller” written by and starring Steven C. Stewart, a cerebral palsy patient. Violent, angry and loosely autobiographical, the film eludes to 10 years Stewart spent wrongly confined to a nursing home after his speech impediment was construed as mental retardation. The film will be preceded by some much lighter entertainment, Crispin Hellion Glover’s Big Slide Show, a quirky hour-long presentation narrated by Glover around images from his many self-published books, then followed by a Q&A session with the director. Click here to read the Shepherd’s interview with Glover.
Crispin Glover
Tonight @ The Oriental Theatre, 7 p.m.