<p>In recent years the city has seen an increase in Vietnamese restaurants specializing in pho, the classic Vietnamese noodle soup served in huge bowls and in many variations. Most of the pho eateries are concentrated on Milwaukee's South Side. Toward the end of last year, Pho Hai Tuyet (3881 S. 27th St., at 27th and Howard) added a second location in Bayside. Pho Hai Tuyet II (333 W. Brown Deer Road) became an instant hit. Customers visit for the authentic flavors of Vietnam. You can choose from 25 different phos, as well as meat dishes with rice or noodles. One specialty is Korean-style ribs, beef in a kalbi cut grilled with a delicious marinade. More restaurants like Pho Hai Tuyet would be very welcome. <br /></p>
Pho Hai Tuyet Scores Another Hit
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