It’s no secret that Gov. Scott Walker wants Obamacare to fail.
Walker is afraid that Obama’s health reform law will make good on its promises to provide affordable health insurance to everyone. After all, if people try Obamacare and like it, they may not like Walker’s opposition to it—or his total tea party agenda.
So Walker has tried to sabotage Obamacare at every turn. He refused to expand Medicaid under this law so he can implement his own version of health care reform, which is far more expensive and insures fewer people. He’s also refusing to set up a Wisconsin-created marketplace for insurance policies. He’s delegating that job to the federal government.
But the Walker administration may have hit a new low when Ted Nickel, a former insurance industry lobbyist who Walker appointed to be the state’s anti-Obamacare insurance commissioner, released new “data” about the cost of purchasing insurance on the exchange. Not surprisingly, Nickel predicted costs would skyrocket under Obamacare.
In Massachusetts and other states where Obamacare has already been implemented, the results have been quite the opposite.
Citizen Action of Wisconsin’s Robert Kraig blasted Nickel’s numbers, saying that the commissioner didn’t provide enough evidence to back up his claims and ignored the tax credits that many Wisconsinites will use to bring down the cost of their insurance, among other vital points.
Clearly, Walker and Nickel are trying to scare people away from Obamacare and they’re using state resources to create completely misleading claims to promote their own political agenda.
Even sadder, Walker and Nickel aren’t even original. Republican governors around the country are trying to scare people about insurance costs under Obamacare with skewed “data.”
Don’t be fooled again.
Walker views Wisconsin health care consumers as stepping stones he can walk on while he runs for the White House.
Don’t listen to Walker’s factually inaccurate propaganda, which only illuminates his desperate attempt to turn people off of the Affordable Care Act.
Get the facts about Obamacare, which the Shepherd and Citizen Action of Wisconsin are highlighting each week in the pages of this paper. The law contains important consumer protections and benefits that ultimately will help Wisconsinites—including those who choose to purchase insurance on the exchanges that Walker is trying so hard to kill.