Milwaukeeans are familiar with All Children Matter as a pro-voucher educationalreform group. But the Michigan-based organization with heavy financialbacking from Milwaukeeans George and Susan Mitchell, the Wal-Mart heirsand Dick DeVos, of the Amway- Blackwater dynastyis airing race-baitingads in northern and western Wisconsin that have nothing to do witheducational reform.
Another pro-voucher group, Coalition forAmerica’s Families, is making the same type of claims about Democraticchallengers. The group is headed by Steve King, former head of thestate GOP. Ditto for a new issue advocacy group called WisconsinInstitute for Leadership, which is led by blogger and GOP strategistBrian Fraley.
What’s so distasteful about these adsbesidestheir lies and race-baitingis that some sons and daughters of illegalimmigrants likely attend voucher schools. So the voucher backers arewilling to accept taxpayer money in their privately run schools as theyaccept immigrants’ children in Milwaukee, but they’re demonizing thesame immigrants to win campaigns in other parts of the state.
Jerk of the Week: Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker
OnTuesday, the Milwaukee County Board unanimously approved a resolutionsponsored by Supervisor Marina Dimitrijevic to exempt the hiring of asustainability and environmental engineer from the “hiring freeze”implemented by Scott Walker. The county executive has dawdled for morethan a year on filling the post, the responsibilities of which would beto find ways to reduce the county’s energy consumption and increaserenewable energy sources. “The county executive’s inaction on this overthe past year is embarrassing,” Dimitrijevic said.
Hero of the Week: Judge Maryann Sumi
DaneCounty Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi made the right call last weekwhen she tossed out Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen’s frivolouslawsuit against the state Government Accountability Board. Van Hollen’spartisan attackwhich would have required additional database checksfor new voterswould have made Election Day more confusing andburdensome for voters and poll workers. Sumi, a Tommy Thompsonappointee, rightly decided that Van Hollen couldn’t bring the suit and,what’s more, Van Hollen’s request is not necessary for a clean and fairelection. Sumi’s decision is the right one for Wisconsin voters.
Blog of the Week: Watchdog Milwaukee (
“Darling Robocall Uses Liar / Adulterer to Smear Wasserman”
Ijust received a robocall (recorded message call) from state Sen.Alberta Darling blasting away at state Rep. Sheldon Wasserman.
Thecrazy part is who she chose to do the talking: It was the discreditedRepublican mouthpiece that infects our local radio airwaves, CharlieSykes. As I listened, I found myself asking, “Why in the world wouldDarling choose a man who decided that an adulterous affair was moreimportant than his wife and his own children? Why, oh why, would I giveany credence to this same man who has been blasting away at BarackObama for this William Ayers thing that we all know is untrue?”
Judgingfrom the lawn-sign pairings out there, Darling is already in trouble.She can’t get anyone to put up a sign [who] doesn’t already have aMcCain/Palin sign up. Now she is actually spending money so that shecan make these automated calls using the words of a known adulterer andliar to attack Wasserman.
I’m sorry, but as a man, I thinkit’s deplorable that Sykes would put his own physical urges ahead ofhis wife and his children. To me, family is important and, clearly, itis to Wasserman, a father of three, also. Why Darling would cast asidefamily values to throw her lot with an adulterous liar is beyond me.
“Thesenator and I are working closely together… It is so encouraging tohear again that Sen. Stevens and I are singing from the same sheet ofmusic.”
Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin,in past statements about her admiration for Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens,who was convicted Monday on seven felony counts relating to corruption
Perspective, by Peter Gnas
"This lovely truss bridge is one of many built in the early 1900s. It is located on the south side of I-94 near Highway 100. The photo was taken as the sun was setting one evening in October."
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